Arsaki Church Design

Altar faces east.

Gabe asks if the church could be wider, north and south sides?

There're not supposed to be too many or large windows (especially low down) in a Russian Orthodox church. (indicates north side)

So glasshouse south of it and high windows only?

Definitely need double doors at the center of the west end.

Plumbing service?

"Holy drain" to outside? What are the requirements for this? How does this interact with other systems?

Coat racks

Design multiple ways to avoid tracking mud in

Cleaning closet close at hand (in the same area as the bathrooms?)

Candle desk

Ideally some convenient way to celebrate Cross processions on feast days

Good bathroom access

Would be wise to make it fairly directly accessible from parking without going through much of the rest of the building

Trapeza access convenient

What height?

What size is the altar area?

Capacity in the nave at least 40 people. More is better, but not strictly necessary.

Acoustics will not be a problem in such a small church.


Fire safety (censer and candles)? Keep a fire extinguisher at the candle stand, one at the kliros annd one in the altar. That should be enough