Barnette/AOSA Language

# How to get them as a lead

Provide an existing service they know they want (webmaster or logo) then educate them to look at a bigger picture

# Upside potential

Limited to $XXXX. Pretty much no amount of benefit to them would be able to yield 5-figure investments in their nonprofit situation and governance mindset.

# Summary

Initial ask was a webmaster

I picked up on business needs and moved things into a different direction that was more business consulting.

"Big ideas we have"

push to the top of the todo list

(this was definitely an engagement where the beans were being counted and re-counted, I did very well to survey the whole operation with them but their response was to do a few low-spend things and then to go to a budget shop that would treat their IT as just marketing stuff. Probably appropriate for their needs, and I definitely helped them get the insights that led to their needs being met, but this wasn't the place where I could profit long-term, just the place where I could do that consulting.)

She attended an online-marketing event…how did she connect with that? “I head about the event from the marketing firm who created the logos we use for conference. They send out a monthly email and then did a google invite for the event. I've been invited to three events this way; just happened to be able to attend this one. I don't really look for much beyond what is presented to me by you or another marketing professional like our logo folks. I really don't have time. But if I did have time I would be looking at additional resources folks like you and our logo design team tell me about as well as what I find associated with what I've already read.”

# Raw dump

Barnette / AOSA Initial: responded to a want ad, they liked the interview for a “webmaster” I don’t have the email I exchanged under their email account but I’ll paste what I do have: Works for me. I Appreciate what you do for us. Thanks so much —— I thought when we bumped your hourly up we also bumped up to $x/ month. I probably did that but didn't pass that info on to you... My brain thinks but doesn't always speak out loud. I like you staying at $x/mo but if that is pushing things to not get done, then go to $x. —

We do want to accept this retainer proposal. I need clarification on what the monthly app maintenance entails. In other words, is it really a $1200+ annual cost to maintain those apps? Since we haven't had them all the way through the cycle, I guess I don't quite understand how the maintenance works. Please help me understand and I can confirm one or the other option. ——

accept the one that includes the app component. Please draw up a simple contract that outlines this so our auditor is happy. ——

I would love to chat but it will have to be the first of next week as I've been busy prepping for our board meeting this weekend. how was your Monday or Tuesday look? ———

one question. In your proposal you say AdSanity is $50 per YEAR. in your SOW you say AdSanity is $50 per MONTH. I just need to know which. Once I know, I'll approve. thanks ——

I'll take it for a year! ———

you are approved. I forwarded invoice to Ruth for payment processing. ——

I am woefully behind in several areas and the website is one of them. I think we have a few things pending so wanted to ask some questions... Can you update me on when the conversion of the advertising on the website will happen. Am I supposed to do something else with that before you can go live? My notes from our last call talk about some of the big ideas we have (database, Jobs to be Done Survey) but I can't remember where we left off with the Echo Index and Reverb, etc. Basically, I just don't have a clue what our status is on things. Please let me know as we have some folks lined up to help with data transfer/entry for REverb and Echo so might need to push those to the top of the to do list. ———

on another different note... I just realized you asked me to follow up with this. December was a blur for me. I am free most of next week as long as I'm done by 2pm. Let me know and day, and we can go through this. ———

Can you send an itemization of what you did for this month or do one for your time Next month please. I'm working on budget and need to see some detail for explanation to the board. … I need a breakdown of what the hard costs are versus soft costs. We are rearranging categories in our budget and need to be able to identify the difference between hard costs for running of website and more design/maintenance issues. … THanks. I'll put something together. the Auditor is where this all started. I'll see what he says with your response before I break things out. On another note, our videographer from conferenceasked about uploading our videos directly to Vimeo if we provide the login info. Can we do that or does she still need to put in a dropbox file that then you get and upload? … ———

I'm just now circling back to this. Sorry for the delay. Hard Costs: Hosting and Back up hosting Soft Costs: site availability/performance, security, backup (not hosting, but the work), app maintenance Pre-paid soft cost: 3 hrs/month custom (I assume this is basically 3 hours at your $70/ hr rate, but need confirmation) The auditor sees the entire invoice as "administrative" currently. We can piece out some of it to "programmatic" if we can have a breakdown. In other words, hosting, app maintenance (per app), and custom stuff can be broken down to specific programs (courses, chapter relations, etc.) making it program-specific and applicable to that category in the budget reducing our "admin" costs. The hard costs along with some of the soft costs can also divide out programmatically but to the main categories (education, conference, etc.). By breaking it into programming, we remove the "admin" title and show that the web offerings are a benefit of membership, not just an administrative cost. If I'm asking for too much, just say so, but since we spend almost $10,000 on just the monthly fees for the website, being able to move that from admin to programming is a big deal (more than 1%) as we try to keep our admin costs below the 10% threshold that is doing good non-profit business. thanks for letting me know how we can make this happen. ——

Thank you for your thoughtfulness in this communication. I actually had full intentions of paying through June 30. I recognized that even if we start sooner we need to make sure that we are ready to deal with later. Headed out of town at the moment, but will circle back next week to confirm things and hopefully you will have heard from someone in the meantime. Thanks again will talk more soon ———

I approved that the deep-linking feature didn't need to link. There are very few instances when a direct link to the AOSA-based chapter page would be used so we are going to live with it until we can come up with an updated way of linking things. We are going to wait about a week before you turn off your hosting just to be sure we don't have any other issues that pop up. I'll confirm with you when we need to terminate that hosting. ——

We are good to cancel hosting for the original contract. We can circle back in the coming week. ——

I think you owe me a proposal for expanding the video library to include Echo and Reverb articles. Was I supposed to get something to you first? MArjie is ready to move on the Reverb piece of the puzzle and I’m close on the Echo side of things as far as data is concerned as well. Let me know what you need to get that proposal to me. ———

I have an issue in which I hope you have an easy answer. Some of our videos live on YouTube and some Vimeo. We are making a video compilation using excerpts from several of our videos and our videographer is able to download what she needs from Vimeo – with our log in stuff – but what I have for log-in for You Tube isn’t even showing me all the videos we have. I’m hoping you can send me the accurate log-in info for You Tube and that once I log in I can figure out how to download the videos we need. ——

We have an issue with these pages and they are linked to the live google sheets you manage so I’m starting with you. Both have a google imbedded map. It is not working. I have dug enough to see that it looks like we are missing the API key for it to work. It seems like API is required. Do we have an account that I didn’t have access to that has this code that possibly expired? If not, I’ll get a new code and get the page updated, but didn’t want to buy a new code if I simply needed to renew or search somewhere for it. ———

We had a couple of major issues come up that sucked up all my attention. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to circle. We have postponed this for two reasons. 1. Marjie and I had different visions for how this was going to work. I thought it was one big database (one spreadsheet with all the info from all the sources). Your proposals made it appear to be multiple spreadsheets that fed a landing page type search. I see the pros and cons of both options, but Marjie and I had to backtrack on our conversations about how the data looked on the front end because of it. I thought key words were consistent throughout. She had different keywords based on product being searched (reverb, Echo, video). We just didn't have the data in the right place to move forward. 2. We have had a major issue with memberclicks (one of the things that sucked up my time). At this point, they're trying to fix some things, but we are also looking at exit strategies. All our Reverb materials currently lives in Memberclicks. It doesn't make sense to grab all those links and use them for this project if all those links are going to change. Honestly, I'm glad you got me the proposal later than originally discussed because we could have had a lot of work done that would have had to be redone otherwise. We want to still do it. It's just looking more like October/November now. I will circle back once we get the memberclicks thing finalized. We have a plan, just have to make sure all the moving parts are in place. ———

AOSA has launched a new members-only portal and we will soon be cancelling Memberclicks. To that end, we need to remove the memberclicks log in protocol from the resource library. I need to know what you need to move the log in to the new gateway of our portal. Just let me know and I’ll get you what you need. ———

This has changed a bit since I sent you the primary email. We simply need to have the log in requirement removed from the library. We’re removing access through the public site directly so that log in is required to see anything, so I simply need the log in screen removed. Once we finalize things on our end we will let you know how we might encrypt going forward. ———

I need is for you to remove the log-in requirement for the resource library. In other words, I want anyone who goes to to be able to click through any video and see it with no memberclicks log in required. I need it done as soon as possible as we’re trying to let go of memberclicks. There’s not a currently coding written for external log-in requirements with the new portal so free access is what we are wanting now then will go back and get the API straight later. A few months of free isn’t a bad thing and Memberclicks needs to get fired soon! I really would like this done by August 23. Let me know if that is possible and the price tag and I’ll reply if we want to do it ASAP. Your price and what we pay memberclicks are what we’re balancing to make the final decision on if you do it or not. ———

I need to cancel the hosting for We have successfully moved all our resources to the AOSA member portal upgrade we’ve done so are no longer using the Let me know what needs to happen so we can cancel this. … Thanks and thank you for all you did getting things moving with this project. What you built was exactly what we needed and allowed for the much bigger plan to manifest. I appreciated all your help and expertise. ———

She attended an online-marketing event…how did she connect with that? “I head about the event from the marketing firm who created the logos we use for conference. They send out a monthly email and then did a google invite for the event. I've been invited to three events this way; just happened to be able to attend this one. I don't really look for much beyond what is presented to me by you or another marketing professional like our logo folks. I really don't have time. But if I did have time I would be looking at additional resources folks like you and our logo design team tell me about as well as what I find associated with what I've already read.”