Developing Wiki

Must stay simple.

Must not overdesign.

But can we bring heavily-used hidden features forward with affordances?

Can we allow a paragraph to be removed with an "x" button in the editor field?

Can the editor field be the same font?

Is there a conceptual obstacle to making the editor field WYSIWYG?

Can we default to something that allows primitive formatting?

Can we offer a more user-friendly UI that generates content that is compatible with the existing one?

What are the barriers to just dropping any old file on a factory and having it upload and appear as a block describing that file?

Can I just drag something onto a page and a factory pops up in response to the drag? Why would I need to click [+] first?

Is there a technical way to drag pages themselves to another wiki window?

If hitting return opens up a new paragraph, why doesn't up-arrow get me to the previous paragraph?

When I paste in multi-paragraph stuff and then separate it, it's a smooth experience when I start from the top paragraph and work down. That opens a new editor for the text starting with the next paragraph, so the user can just keep trucking down quickly. Can we scroll item editors to the top so that we get that nice behavior? And/or is there a simple way to improve the experience otherwise?

The borders on the pages are a signal that something vague is wrong but don't help me know what to do. My son just suggested I fork a page that had a colored border and lo! it worked. But I hadn't thought of that. Can we help users out on this?

I just wanted to bring this page from a local :3000 wiki to a publicly-hosted wiki but it wouldn't come. Then when I copied and pasted the text (which was difficult due to the clicks getting trapped by wiki) it all came over in one "item". Any way to do "/system/export.json" but per page?

Can the video plugin transform a URL into a video?