Gas Discharge Visualization Kirlian Effect

Scientific and technological support (Gas Discharge Visualization Method "GRV - Kirlian Effect") The method of Gas–discharge Visualization (GRV) is a computer registration and analysis of the gas-discharge glow (GRV-gram) of any biological objects placed in a high-intensity electromagnetic field. The Kirlian Effect From the Kirlian effect to the GDV method by Prof. K. G. Korotkov When the Kirlian couple began studying high-frequency photography more than 70 years ago, it was considered only a scientific experiment. Modern technologies and the modern rhythm of life, which are harmful to health and leave less and less time to take care of it, have changed this idea. Along with emergency medicine, Preventive medicine has become especially important. There were "fast" diagnostic methods linking electrophysiological and clinical-anatomical characteristics of the body. Among them - electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG) and others. The development of technologies has made it possible to develop a bioelectrographic method of complex express analysis of the human body, assessment of the influence of various factors and influences on it. Based on the Kirlian effect, a group of scientists led by Prof. Korotkova developed a technique for obtaining gas-discharge images of objects - human fingers. A group of companies Biotechprogress and KTI has created a device for obtaining gas-discharge images of objects. The GDV method is patented, the equipment has passed technical, toxicological, clinical tests and is registered in the state register of medical equipment of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. To date, the GDV method has been widely recognized and, along with other electrographic methods, is used in medicine, professional sports and fitness, spa treatment, the beauty industry, various areas of psychology and psychophysiology, as well as fundamental and applied research. GDV method The GDV method was developed on the basis of the Kirlian effect in St. Petersburg. The study of objects by the gas-discharge visualization method consists in the inclusion of an object located on a transparent electrode into the electrical circuit of a device that generates pulses of a high-intensity electromagnetic field (duration 10 microseconds, frequency 1024 Hz). As a result of the action of pulses, a sequence of gas discharges is formed during a given exposure time. The gas discharge developing in the voltage pulse serves as an amplifier of ultra-weak emission processes occurring on the surface of the object, and at the same time the surface distribution of discharge channels depends on the topography of the electrophysical characteristics of the object. The GRV-gram of a person's finger is a complex two-dimensional figure, each pixel of which is characterized by its brightness, encoded by an integer in the range from 0 ("black") up to 255 ("white"). The geometric parameters of the GRV-grams (for example, the image area, defined as the sum of pixels above a given brightness threshold; the fractal coefficient, defined as the ratio of the perimeter length of the image to its average radius multiplied by 2Pi; the width of the streamers), carry information about the characteristics of the object. For example, with an increase in the concentration of ions in a liquid, the illumination area increases, and the width of the streamers decreases. To include such data in the structure of a complex biophysical experiment, quantitative processing of the obtained images is necessary. The scheme of the experiment based on the GDV-graphy method for an arbitrary object. The scheme of the experiment based on the GDV-graphy method for an arbitrary object. The principle of image formation is as follows. Voltage pulses from an electromagnetic field generator (EMF) are applied between the object under study and the transparent electrode (plate) on which the object is placed, for which a transparent conductive coating is applied to the reverse side of the electrode. At high field strength in the gas medium of the contact space of the object and the plate, an avalanche and/or sliding gas discharge develops, the characteristics of which are determined by the properties of the object. The glow of the discharge with the help of an optical system and a CCD camera is converted into video signals, which are recorded as single frames (GRV-grams) or AVI files in a memory block associated with a video frame processor. The processing processor is a specialized software package that allows you to calculate a number of parameters and use them to monitor the state of the body. Useful Articles - Kirlian Effect, Gas Discharge Imaging Method, bioelectrography. Application of kirlianography for the study of human psychic energy>> A little bit from the history of the Kirlian Effect. Kirlian Method: significance for medicine>> As many decades ago, the problem of searching for methods of integral assessment of human health remains urgent. In this regard, the effect discovered by the Kirlian spouses is of great theoretical and practical interest. A new conceptual approach to early cancer diagnosis>> Experience of using Gas-discharge Imaging to assess the course of acute myocardial infarction>> Energy measurement using the device GDV ECO TESTER>> The article presented to your attention presents a report by K. G. Korotkov about his stay on McLeod Island in the Andaman Sea. Video clip "Gas Discharge Visualization Method" about the history of the origin, development, and application of the GDV method. GDV download in high quality, format *.mov (28.6 MB) GDV download in high quality, format *.wmv (27.3 MB) GDV download in low quality, format *.mov (9.9 MB) +7 (812) 380-20-02 | +7 (911) 132-78-31 © 2005 - 2019 Kirlionics Technologies International All rights reserved. When copying site materials, a link to the site is required . Information GRV portal - Application of the gas discharge visualization method in plant breeding. Computer pulse diagnostics VedaPulse APPLICATION OF SOFT-BEAM RADIOGRAPHY AND GAS-DISCHARGE IMAGING METHODS TO ASSESS THE QUALITY OF EUROPEAN SPRUCE SEEDS