Objections to the Current Design Plan

It has been decided to build a townhouse type thing. (Townhouses can be many shapes.)

Squishing a community together like that is a perfect way to kill it.

— I tend to agree. But then I'm an American. Anyway, be aware of that starting position—I am not sure how strongly held it is. But if I didn't speak up there would definitely be an assumption that trucks would roll in and install that arch thing

## 1. Brief introduction: it's not a permaculture demonstration site as proposed

The inclusion of the current proposed building on the Arsaki site will mean that it is not possible to use the site as a permaculture demonstration site.

## 2. Permaculture principles and factors that play into the design this site needs

As we have mentioned, permaculture is a design science that takes into account all energy flows and limitations on a given site.

Permaculture design encompasses whole systems. It is in many cases the design of interaction between adjacent elements. Many of the concerns it deals with are cross-cutting, such as the flow of water across the landscape.

For this reason, a permaculture demonstration site should do everything possible to integrate every element with everything we know about the site. Designing only part of the system would be like choosing to ignore some flanks of an incoming attack in a battle.

In permaculture, the house or central structure is integrated into the kitchen garden, and the kitchen garden is integrated into the lesosad, which itself integrates into the other systems. everything naturally flows out from the center of energy, the human residence.

A permaculture design frequently has to work around difficult and unfortunate constraints. However, the point of a permaculture demonstration site is to be an example of permaculture design.

A permaculture demonstration site should be an environmental improvement on ancient building patterns. It should not represent a step backwards.

Permaculture is based on three ethics: people care, earth care and return of surplus. Toxic, energy-wasting structures are detrimental to people's health and finances, and to the surrounding biosphere.

Permaculture is about energy efficiency, and completely precludes the use of resources that destroy or damage other resources when used.

Toxic plastics are not intended to be incorporated into any permaculture site.

We are not demonstrating permaculture on a site if the primary elements on the site, especially elements that our team placed there, are toxic or systemically wasteful.

## 3. How the right building works in harmony with a permaculture design

Contours and water design before we can define access, accessways clearly laid out before we can place structures. Central tenet of the permaculture design process.

## 4. Issues with the proposal to include this building as designed

The current plan to install a centralized building (Mustafa Hoophouse Plans) for the settlement disregards integration of systems and has defects in its energy flows.

In order for the glasshouse to get light in the winter, when it's needed, the building will most likely need to be in the northern half of the property, making access to the north difficult, which in turn complicates gardening systems.

Each element and its placement in a permaculture design is chosen for a specific purpose and reason.

This is especially true of the inner zones (the parts of the design closest to the most-used buildings). Misplacing a single tree can have disastrous effects.

The building plans you have shared call for plastics containing fluoride and chlorine compounds that will break down and pollute the groundwater on a continuous basis.

If there were to be a fire in the area, a foreseeable event, the ETFE plastic would release large amounts of hydrofluoric acid, a very corrosive and toxic chemical.