
In [_The Perfect Proposal_](, Dunn says he got these things from roadmapping:

Notes from the course:

Goals of roadmapping session: - Understand client business & goals - Diagnose the problem - Design a solution that solves the problem while furthering goals - Create an implementation roadmap for the solution It’s about business goals, not designing some widget

## 1. First contact, often email: - Set expectations: consultant not hired gun - Explain process - Provide (#1.5) intake form ideally with automated scheduling - Questions on intake include - business and business model questions, - customer demographics/profile/journey/goals

## 2. First call: 30 minutes or less Critical to positioning Do not provide a cost figure (that’s what the roadmapping does) It’s not a job interview Hard stop at end of call

## 3. Pitch the roadmapping session (“Selling Roadmapping to Clients”) This is a turnkey step, not heavily customized Lay out the process: Kickoff (identify areas of opportunity and agree on a narrower set of them) Agenda For Rootstrap this is: Kickoff, then sketching multiple (opposite approach!) options for each area of opportunity Checkin so product owner can give feedback on what they like Goal Deliverables Cost Any assets I can create to explain the process Communicate urgency/scarcity Benefits: gets lots of detail out on the table, ensures both parties do as much as possible to go in the right direction with the highest possible ROI (ratio of benefit to cost). It’s a standalone product.

## The initial call or meeting Basically sell roadmapping and focus everything on that and overcoming objections to it Ben Lee does $10K or $20K, 3.5 weeks with client and 1 week behind the scenes work, output is basically a pitch deck Brennan, within himself, anchors roadmapping at 10% of the total project, $2–5K, 2h–full day Doesn’t break it down to time, refuse to break it down It’s ROI prep time, hosting the session, post-session analysis, creating report

* I knew how the client was currently generating revenue * I had a pretty strong understanding of their current deficiencies, and could superimpose my own experience onto their business model and come up with pretty accurate projections * I understood how their current model / business processes were holding them materially back