site brief questionnaire

goals/needs/interests/skills of the managers/owners?

soil test results?

preferred usage intensity level?

Pre-existing non-negotiably positioned structures

pre-existing elements to fit in

resource flows coming in (examples: reliable source of cardboard, water runoff)

water features?

Potential water features?

How urban/rural is the site?

How much foot traffic comes by?

How much road traffic comes by?

Are there laws limiting land use? What are they?

About how much money are you looking the invest in the site development?

How many man-hours per year of work are available to be put into maintenance and development?

How big is the site?

What climatic zone is the site located in?

What is the steepness of the slope of the site?

How much of what slopes are there?

What is the orientation of the site in relation to the sun?

What are the prevailing winds on site in spring, summer, fall and winter? are they warm, cool, humid or dry?

Yearly precipitation?

What times of year get more and less precipitation?


Distance from an ocean or sea east & west

soil type

vegetation type

weeds/plants already present

Current management of the site?