Arefyev email 2022-12-06

Topic: Academic Climate Station = Gas Discharge Visualization Method (GDV - Kirlian Effect) Dear Colleagues, good afternoon! I am sending you, for information, materials (Academic Climate Station = Gas Discharge Visualization Method (GDV - Kirlian Effect), for the preparation of the conference in St. Petersburg on 16.12.2022 "Triad: Science — Technology — Innovation". AMV The Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Center PROJECT /On cooperation in the creation of an Interdisciplinary Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC/ИНТЦ) - Eurasian Center for Phytotronic (Nature-like) Technologies (ISTC - "Academic Climate Station"), - according to Federal Law 216-FZ On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers dated 29.07.2017 (ed. dated 02.07.2021) and Russian Presidential Order 79200-Pr-2125 dated 16.11.2018 No. 79200-Pr-2125/

BRICS Technological Platform - "Academic Climate Station"