Arsaki Rooms Needed

The building is the central community building for the eco-village and the main building of the permaculture center.

One or all of us might live there. Someone definitely lives there.

So it needs rooms for living, a teaching center, a church, and a community gathering center (think trapeza). Trapeza = both meeting room and teaching room

Organize the rooms north vs. south side

What rooms needed?

Internal church (Arsaki Church Design) (could it be wider, north and south sides? -Gabe)

at least 1 classroom

at least 1 large Arsaki Glasshouse

1 large root cellar. One that's half underground and half mounded over.

living room with a gravel Arsaki Rocket Mass Heater

Bedrooms, living capacity + guest rooms: at least 4, probably more

2-3 bathrooms, probably Humanure Composting systems, one public

washing room

1 large kitchen

Trapeza/meeting hall/classroom

Second kitchen for trapeza?

north side rooms: Church, root cellar, washing room, bathrooms, bedrooms (townhouse apartments?).

South side rooms: living room, kitchen, trapeza/classroom, glasshouse.

Church northwest corner.

Bedrooms/apartments second floor.