Arsaki Building Criteria

We need to list specific disadvantages of the existing proposal and specific criteria for alternatives.

List of general requirements and goals for a permaculture demonstration site facility:

- Demonstrate sun orientation

- Demonstrate thermal mass (how?)

- Demonstrate shade house (how?)

- No possibility of mold forming!!!

- Snow slides off roof, away from doors

- Glasshouse: one story?

- Rocket wood heat (Walker Continental, Arsaki Rocket Mass Heater) for glasshouse heat supplementation + cooking, demonstrating efficient wood heat

- Integrated Humanure Composting and greywater system

- Solar chimney/ground pipe ventilation (Air Intakes)

- Exhibits the components of permaculture building design for students

- Harvest of roof water

- A church room in the building, similar to what's at the Pravoslavnie Gimnasium.

In general, it should have a representation of as many aspects of permaculture building design as can be conveniently managed, and should not be in conflict with any.

What else?

Myron: I want to have a central community building with a church and the possibility for a family to live there, and then scout out house sites.

It’s for visitors, right? I'm not sure of that. I think it might be visitor center/classroom/ag center facility/church, with an "in-law apartment"

See Basic Design Requirements for other zones.